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  • Provinsi, Kabupaten, Kota Indonesia
    Inet Knowledge

    Daftar Nama Provinsi dan Nama Kota / Kabupaten

    Kabupaten dan Kota se Indonesia. Negara Indonesia terdiri atas pulau pulau dan 7 Kepulauan Besar diantaranya kepulauan Sumatera, Jawa, Nusa Tenggara, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku dan Papua. Setiap Kepulauan besar tersebut terdiri atas beberapa Provinsi. Jumlah Provinsi di Indonesia saat ini adalah 34 Provinsi. Jumlah Kabupaten dan Kota yang ada di Seluruh Indonesia Saat ini Jumlah Kabupaten dan Kota yang ada di Seluruh Indonesia Saat ini. Saat ini, jumlah kabupaten di Indonesia atau se Indonesia adalah sebanyak 416 Kabupaten (Data 2015 – 2016). jumlah Kota di Indonesia atau se Indonesia saat ini adalah sebanyak 98 Kota (Data 2015 – 2016). Jadi total Kabupaten dan Kota yanga ada di Indonesia saat ini adalah 514 Kabupaten dan…

  • Inet Knowledge

    8 Kesalahan Teknik SEO yang Harus Anda Hindari

    8 Kesalahan Teknik SEO yang Harus Anda Hindari Bersahabat dengan Google adalah salah satu langkah yang paling tepat dilakukan untuk bisnis sekala kecil menengah atau UKM. Tidak dibutuhkan investasi yang terlalu besar untuk membangun bisnis melaui internet, dimana toko Anda bisa online selama 24 jam / 7 hari. Memanfaatkan Google sebagai media untuk mendatangkan pengunjung ke toko online Anda adalah salah satu yang harus Anda lakukan. Secara garis besar Anda bisa membaca tulisan saya sebelumnya tentang tips untuk melakukan optimasi website agar Google friendly. Tidak hanya UKM yang memanfaatkan Google sebagai alat untuk mendatangkan traffic ke website, perusahaan – perusahaan besar pun menggunakan Google untuk meningkatkan penjualan mereka. Namun, walaupun…

  • Inet Knowledge

    3 keys to lead ur success

    In a Cloudforce New York session last week, Jeffrey Cohen and Kipp Bodnar, authors of The B2B Social Media Book, delivered a remarkable statistic: 73% of CEOs don’t believe marketers drive revenue. Leads fix this problem and can help prove the worth of social media endeavors. That’s because leads are a proxy for sales. According to Cohen and Bodnar, you aren’t buying leads with your marketing efforts; instead, you should seek to buy customers. Social media created a complex path to lead generation, which makes it critical to understand how to create leads using your social efforts. From this session, here are the three keys to generating leads using social…

  • Inet Knowledge

    ROI in Social Media

    Define Social Media ROI Before businesses can calculate ROI, it needs to be defined. Eric goes beyond the Wall Street notion of monetary investment in his definition: “ROI is more than ‘money in, money out’. It’s about efficient business success.” While ROI is more than monetary success, Eric cautions that you have to go beyond measuring social media actions (fans, likes, friends) and look at real return. Understand Real Return of Social Media Return is any action taken by your customers that directly moves your business forward. One question to ask when determining whether an action provides value: If you had zero of these actions, would you still have a…

  • Inet Knowledge

    Plus and Minus Twitter

    We’re all human. We all make mistakes. However, when your mistake involves social media, it’s not that easy to make amends. Take, for example, the case of the (now) infamous KitchenAid tweet about President Obama’s dead grandmother. If you somehow missed it, it went a little something like this: During the first presidential debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney, Obama credited his tenacious grandmother who helped raise him and passed away three days before he was elected president. Moments later, @KitchenAidUSA, the company’s official Twitter account, sent this: “Obamas gma even knew it was going 2 b bad! She died 3 days b4 he became president.” The insensitive tweet…

  • Inet Knowledge

    Power of twitter

      Twitter is one of the best ways to get your information in front of what can be millions and millions of people!! Want to see the power of Twitter? I was so shocked when I heard this story! Okay, think of a newer pop song that you have probably not only heard way to many times but because of funny YouTube, Facebook and Pinterest jokes you’ve probably seen references to the song… way too many times….. Can you guess what song I’m thinking of? … … …   Alright, it’s the “Call Me Maybe” song by Carly Rae Jepsen. Despite what you think of the song, it is EVERYWHERE!! Do…

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  • Inet Knowledge

    Facebook Marketing Statistics You Need to Know

    Facebook Marketing Statistics You Need to Know The internet and the evolution of big data have forever changed the way marketers do business.  To advance your business, you need to stay up to date on current trends and continue to innovate.  A powerful and effective way to amplify your marketing mix and generate new business is social network marketing.

  • Inet Knowledge

    Think Outside Your Reach and Get Filthy Linking Rich

    In the ever growing sea of mediocrity online, building good links back to your website is becoming harder and harder.  The releases of Penguin and Panda have thrown the SEO world into a brief tailspin, making them take a closer look at common linkbuilding practices.  Penalties from Google and other search engines are more detrimental now than they’ve ever been before, becoming harder and harder to come back from.  That’s why it’s essential that you too take a closer look at the strategies your site is implementing and decide whether or not they’re working for you now and if they’ll continue to work for you in the future.

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